Tallviking Inlagd November 10, 2020 Dela Inlagd November 10, 2020 Nu skall det bli slut med att betala böter kontant vid poliskontroller i Thailand No more cash payments for fines at police checkpoints - warnings for first time speeders The head of Thailand's central investigation unit said that from now on there will be no handing over of money for fines at checkpoints throughout the country. Pol Lt-Gen Torsak Sukwimon said that a "weak point" of the RTP was the actions of the Highway Police that could be misconstrued. In their desire to help out the public by accepting money for fines at checkpoints they were open to charges of malfeasance especially if things are filmed and shared on social media. So he said that he has spoken to the new commander of the highway police, Pol Maj-Gen Ekkarat Limsangkat, to reorganise checkpoints so that fines are paid 2 kilometers away from where they are issued. He said that the current system, while designed to help the public was not above board and when officers are seen stuffing money into their pockets it was most unseemly. Checkpoints in future will be set up with more clarity in mind with lots of cones and at least three CCTV cameras to protect all concerned. Fines would all be entered on a central database so that when transgressors went to pay everything could be viewed with clarity. It would enable officers at the fine issuing place to issue just a warning for people breaking the law for the first time for misdemeanors such as speeding or illegal lane changing, for example. A record of the offence would be entered so that if they do it a second time they won't get away with it. He called the new system "set zero". In addition he said that students on work experience with the police are to be used in a more formal capacity not just to prepare meals and "make the coffee". They will actually work. He said that they would be a good face to deal with the public in explaining police procedures and besides were "the public face of tomorrow". Thaivisa notes that the new commander of the highway police Maj-Gen Ekkarat has been the man heading the committee leading changes to police regulations and traffic laws over the last few years. Checkpoints for DUI have already been modified in line with new regulations announced last week. Source: Naew Na Being nice is overrated - Garfield Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
born41 Inlagd November 10, 2020 Dela Inlagd November 10, 2020 Man kan ju hoppas att detta är ett steg i rätt riktning, för att komma tillrätta med den utbredda korruptionen.Har själv aldrig varit i en situation där mutor varit aktuellt. Tror dock att poliserna kommer att hitta nya utvägar till "inkomstförstärkning". Born41 Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Oregistrerad Inlagd November 10, 2020 Dela Inlagd November 10, 2020 In their desire to help out the public by accepting money for fines at checkpoints. Riktiga moder Teresa allihopa. Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
LTD Inlagd November 10, 2020 Dela Inlagd November 10, 2020 On 2020-11-10 at 08:24, skrev born41: Man kan ju hoppas att detta är ett steg i rätt riktning, för att komma tillrätta med den utbredda korruptionen.Har själv aldrig varit i en situation där mutor varit aktuellt. Tror dock att poliserna kommer att hitta nya utvägar till "inkomstförstärkning". Born41 Expandera Knappast, mutor kommer alltid att vara kontant... Detta lär inte göra nån skillnad alls. Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Atom Inlagd November 14, 2020 Dela Inlagd November 14, 2020 On 2020-11-10 at 09:47, skrev LTD: Knappast, mutor kommer alltid att vara kontant... Detta lär inte göra nån skillnad alls. Expandera Självklart kommer mutor alltid vara kontant men nog är det ett steg i rätt riktning att det inte längre är lagligt att betala böterna kontant på plats. Självklart kommer inte det här beslutet att ta död på korruptionen men det är i alla fall ett litet, litet, steg som tar bort ett par % av vardagskorruptionen. Förvisso en nackdel för lata thailändare och utlänningar som hellre betalar 200 Baht på plats men de (vi!) är ju också en stor del av problemet så ser gärna att de (vi!) också blir en del av lösningen. Död åt Putin och hans croonies Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
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