stjp8729 Inlagd Maj 7, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 7, 2009 Containers full of bodies reported to have been discovered off the coast of Sattahip. A disturbing story now from Sattahip District involving the discovery of containers thought to contain dead bodies. The story first broke last week on Thai TV Channel 3 following the discovery of a container surrounded by reportedly hundreds of skeletons. This discovery was made almost two months ago but remained a closely guarded secret until the story was leaked to the press last week.. We understand that a total of 8 containers have been found in three separate locations between Phie Island and Pram Island and 30 nautical miles off the Coast of Juang Island which are all located in the Gulf of Thailand. For many years fishermen have reported the capture of skeletal remains in their fishing nets, however many cases have remained unreported. There is a suggestion some of the containers have been at the locations for up to 20 years. Now that the exact locations of the containers have been identified and a full report has been made to the Police, it is thought these containers will now be recovered and the contents will be revealed. Locals fear the worse and suggest the containers are full of bodies, but this cannot be confirmed until the containers are recovered. We will follow this story and update you when new information is received by us. Källa: http://www.pattayaon..._06_05_52.shtml Ha en bra dag! Hua Hin - Stränder - Bangsaen - Bildberättelse - Songkran - Isaan - Semesterbilder Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Guest Isan Lover Inlagd Maj 7, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 7, 2009 Hej Skulle det kunna vara dom studenter som militären sköt vid demonstrationerna på tidigt nittiotal? Liken forslades bort av militären och dom anhöriga har inte fått tillbaka kropparna än. Mvh Isan Lover Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Guest Isan Lover Inlagd Maj 13, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 13, 2009 Friday 8th May 2009 The mystery of the undersea containers in Sattahip continues. We are closely following report of around 20 containers situated on the sea-bed which are thought to contain the skeletal remains of humans. Although the presence of the containers has been confirmed after a dive team took pictures of them earlier this week, reports claiming that at least one of the containers which was surrounded by skeletons after it had been opened is only a rumor for now. We have spoken with a number of local fishermen who confirm the discovery of many skeletons over the years; however an association with the containers cannot be proven. We understand that a government team have now been assigned to the case and are expected to investigate the contents of the containers shortly. We will of course bring the results of their findings to you as soon as we receive them. Hej Lite mer om containrarna som sägs innehålla lik. Mvh Isan Lover Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Bananen Inlagd Maj 16, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 16, 2009 http://www.aftonblad...ticle5160488.ab Inte så vidare trevligt Det är inte vad partierna säger några månader innan valet som räknas, utan vad de har sagt och gjort under hela mandatperioden innan valet.... Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Tallviking Inlagd Maj 16, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 16, 2009 Finns en tråd redan om detta som funnits här i ett par veckor Being nice is overrated - Garfield Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Guest Isan Lover Inlagd Maj 16, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 16, 2009 Hej Aftonbladet skriver om containrarna. Och spekulerar också om att det kan vara dom försvunna studenterna som sköts av militären. Mvh Isan Lover http://www.aftonblad...ticle5160488.ab Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
BaBoo Inlagd Maj 16, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 16, 2009 Vilken regering regarade i Thailand i Maj 1992? Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
ban99arne Inlagd Maj 16, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 16, 2009 Så klantiga kan inte ens militären vara, har hört från en uppsatt källa att det är turistpolisen som rensat upp framför Seven Eleven. [move]Spekultanten Arne[/move] Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Kabbanoss Inlagd Maj 16, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 16, 2009 Klockren analys banarne Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
MaiChai Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 QuoteVilken regering regarade i Thailand i Maj 1992? Regering och regering, det var en militärdiktator vid namn Suchinda Kraprayoon som hade det yttersta ansvaret. Slaget stod på Bangkoks gator mellan hans militärmakt och Chamlong Srimuang (Just det, en av PAD´s ledare) cirka 200 000 studenter och medelklass.http://en.wikipedia.Black_May_(1992) Rent tekniskt borde DSI kunna ta fram hur gamla skelettdelarna är och hur länge de legat i vattnet men för att identifiera dem med DNA krävs det att något hårstrå eller liknande finns kvar. DSI är ju en oberoende utredare, inte polis eller militär. Men hittills har man inte hittat några containrar med lik, de likdelar som fiskats upp under åren under söks eftersom de förvarats i ett temepl. Mycket talar för att det är de saknade från 1992 men det kan också vara andra människor, allting hänger på hur noga man kan åldersbestämma fynden. "It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it"- Aung San Suu Kyi"It's not a lie, if you believe it" - George Costanza"Never Argue With A Fool – They Will Drag You Down To Their Level, Then Beat You With Experience""Facts are meaningless - you could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true" -Homer Simpson Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
noBuzz Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Maichai, Länken funkar inte.. sista parantesen saknas. http://en.wikipedia.lack_May_(1992) Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
BaBoo Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Först var han med och störta Chamlong Srimuang och sedan Thaksin (verkar vara en bra kille Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
stefan5300 Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Det kan väl finnas DNA i skelettdelarna. BTT-IDOL OCH BITTERFITTA. Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Farang Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 QuoteDet kan väl finnas DNA i skelettdelarna. Även om det finns det, så finns där väl inget DNA man kan jämföra det emot? member of svampen's fan-club Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
stefan5300 Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 QuoteÄven om det finns det, så finns där väl inget DNA man kan jämföra det emot? Det kan väl finnas DNA om tillhörigheter finns kvar hos dom försvunnas anhöriga BTT-IDOL OCH BITTERFITTA. Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
stefan5300 Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Varför får jag alltid mitt inlägg i samma ruta som citatet? BTT-IDOL OCH BITTERFITTA. Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Odin Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 QuoteVarför får jag alltid mitt inlägg i samma ruta som citatet? Bråka inte med P3 idag... Tänk om den stackarn e lika bakis som jag. Du kan aldrig bromsa dej ur en uppförsbacke. Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Farang Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Quote Varför får jag alltid mitt inlägg i samma ruta som citatet? För att du skriver i citatet istället för under det member of svampen's fan-club Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
stefan5300 Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Quote För att du skriver i citatet istället för under det nu skrev jag under citatet BTT-IDOL OCH BITTERFITTA. Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Isaan Butterfly Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Från söndagens Bangkok Post Man kan ju undra hur Premiärminister Abhisit kan veta detta. Ingen av de rapporterade 7 eller 8 containrarna har öppnats än, eller? Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
noBuzz Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 17, 2009 Quote Man kan ju undra hur Premiärminister Abhisit kan veta detta. Ingen av de rapporterade 7 eller 8 containrarna har öppnats än, eller? Tja, om det nu är spekulation du är ute efter så gissar väl jag att han antingen: 1: Dödat dem alla personligen. 2: Vet var liken från Black May finns eller 3: Har dykt ner och kollat själv. Har du inga makabra gissningar själv? Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
lars60 Inlagd Maj 18, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 18, 2009 Nu ska det tydligen påbörjas en "utredning" av fyndet. http://www.nationmul...al_30102943.php Tiny camera to be used to see inside containers : Dr Pornthip A tiny underwater camera may soon slip through a hole in a mysterious container on the seabed off Chon Buri's Sattahip district to check what is inside. .Porntip has been assigned to look into the containers after they caught the media spotlight and rumours spread the bodies of those who died in the Black May incident were inside. Vi har det iaf ganska bra! Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Tallviking Inlagd Maj 18, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 18, 2009 Senaste teorin är att det är kemikalier som dumpats för 30 år sedan Typiskt Thailand att bry sig om miljön isåfall Men vem vet http://www.pattayaon..._18_05_52.shtml Fortsättning följer hoppas man och att sanningen blir klar och inte lämnar öppen för en massa spekulationer och teorier Being nice is overrated - Garfield Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Guest Isan Lover Inlagd Maj 19, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 19, 2009 MYSTERIOUS CONTAINERS Black May's black boxes? By The Nation Published on May 19, 2009 Porntip probes mysterious containers on seabed off Chon Buri amid rumours of human remains inside A tiny underwater camera may soon slip through a hole in a mysterious container on the seabed off Chon Buri's Sattahip district to check what is inside. "We have found a hole in the container through which groupers swim in and out," Central Institute of Forensic Science director Porntip Rojanasunan revealed yesterday. Skulls discovered She said she would today have a meeting with representatives from the Customs Department, the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), marine archaeologists and noted marine biologist Dr Thon Thamrongnawasawat to discuss possible means of checking what's inside the container and where the container came from. "Representatives from underwatercamera companies will attend the meeting too," Porntip said.Porntip has been assigned to investigate the containers after rumours spread that the bodies of those who died in the Black May incident were inside. Chon Buri's Samaesan district chief Pramote Towsakul said local people had in the past discovฌered human skulls in sunken containers but were too scared to report to the police. Porntip's team has already located one of the containers. After examining the size of the barnacles attached to the conฌtainer, officials say it has probฌably been on the seabed for more than 20 years. This prompted Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to point out that the mysterious container could not be related to the Black May incident, which took place 17 years ago. In 1992, prodemocracy street protesters in Bangkok faced a violent crackdown from which many never reฌturned home. Port Authority of Thailand acting director Sunida Sakulrattana said her agency was poring over old files to identify a company found carrying conฌtainers of industrial waste into Thailand's seas about two or three decades ago. "Officials turned a ship away for carrying industrial waste into Thailand without permisฌsion. Now, we have to find out whether the ship secretly dropped the containers on its way out," Sunida said. Customs Department direcฌtorgeneral Utid Tamwatin said if officials could see the serial number of the container, they would be able to identify its contents and origin. Meanwhile, the chairman of the Committee of the May 1992 Heroes' Relatives, Adul Khiewboriboon, has submitted a letฌter urging the army to return the remains of protesters. He said three generals should know where the reฌmains are located. "The three generals were involved in the Black May incident. They should know the answer." Hej Lite mer om containrarna. Mvh Isan Lover Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
MaiChai Inlagd Maj 21, 2009 Dela Inlagd Maj 21, 2009 Army chief backs check into mysterious container By The Nation Army chief General Anupong Paochinda on Thursday called for the check into the mysterious container dumped off the coast at Samae San, Chon Buri in order to dispel doubts about the linkage to the Black May incident in 1992. window.google_render_ad(); "It is imperative to uncover the inside of the container to dispel doubts regardless of the costs incurred," he said. Anupong said he sympathised with relatives of the Black May victims who might want to uncover the remains for holding a proper funeral. He urged authorities to deploy deep-water divers and cheminal specialists to check the container under a transparent standard. One of the theories about the dumping of the container is that it might contain toxic waste. Även arméchefen vill att containrarna ska undersökas grundligt för att konstatera vad som finns i dem egentligen. Bra tycker jag att man är så pass öppen även från militärens sida med att de kan innehålla likdelar. "It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it"- Aung San Suu Kyi"It's not a lie, if you believe it" - George Costanza"Never Argue With A Fool – They Will Drag You Down To Their Level, Then Beat You With Experience""Facts are meaningless - you could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true" -Homer Simpson Link to comment Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
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