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Killing The Bankers -- Thailand


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Lite gammal historia men intressant det säkert inte hänt så mycket under dom har åren.

March 1999

We explore why sugar farmers are taking murderous revenge on those they hold responsible for their collapsing livelihoods.

Assassinated in Febuary 1999, Michael Wansley was a victim of increasing resentment over IMF meddling. Wansley was the foreigner banks sent in to investigate the books. But one day, his car was blasted with bullets by waiting assassins. His death was almost cert More..ainly the work of a disgruntled sugar tycoon in this wild region of mafia run plantations. The family business clans here are increasingly resentful of the IMF interfering in the way they do their business. It may occasionally be brutal, but it is the time-honoured way. Thais say the IMF should climb down from their moral high ground. They point out that Western money was more than happy to play during the Asian boom, despite the crony capitalism. Thai analysts suspect the IMF's concern for 'honest' business is just a cynical way to increase their control of the economy. Whatever the public disquiet the government needs foreign investors and is desperate to solve the embarrassing Wansley case. It's not clear yet if the man who turned himself in is guilty...what is clear though, is that Wansley's death raises some very uncomfortable issues for the Thai government and business community.


Jerker เจสเปอร์ โรสัน

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